
Friday, March 26, 2021

 This week, I did reading. We had to write text to self and write about what kakano means. It is one of our hub names at our school. It means seeds.

Can you guess what the other hub names are at our school?

Here are the names -  Tumu, Paiaka and Kopeka. Here is a hint...if kakno is seed it means it has to be with a tree. 

Here is my work and I hope you like it .

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

My Math

This week I have been doing tidy numbers  and how to solve them with my group and it is so fun have you ever done it before here is my work?

It's fun. how you do tidy numbers you have a question and you Plus a number to then take it away on the other number then you add those owns together then you have the answer 

Friday, March 19, 2021

The Best Maths

 This week in Math we have  been learning  abut using tidy numbers and place value to solve addition and subtractions questions.  Here are some examples 

have you done tidy numbers before?